How to Make Brands ❤️ You

How to keep them coming back for more

We spoke with our favorite brands and influencer coordinators and gathered what they all had in common to share this list of what you REALLY need to do to get brands excited to work with you and keep that energy up!


One obvious one we had to throw in here is: Be active on social media. Especially somewhere on IG where the date is easier to see. Brands are hesitant to reach out and approve a creator who is not sharing regularly. It’s ok (& healthy) to take a social media hiatus here and there, just make sure you have content shared within the past month and that it seems to be fairly regular when you are active.


Now that you’re active on social it’s time to hone in on your personal brand. As a creator, you can choose to niche down, like sharing recipes and foodie content., or keep it broad and go the lifestyle route. Either way, you should stay consistent with a few themes that regularly appear on your channel. This will help give the brand get an idea of the kind of audience you have curated.


Got your collab locked in? Deliver the content on time or set the expectation well in advance if you can foresee some bumps with getting the deliverables to their team on the date you agreed to. It will be such a treat for them to open their inboxes, see your beautiful work and not have to chase follow-ups. The easier you make their job, the quicker they will be to choose you for the next project.


Brands and agencies love it when your bio gives insight into who you are, where you are located, and what you post about. The most important part of your bio is having your contact information easy to find. Influencer teams typically have to contact A LOT of creators at once, so if you’re hard to get in touch with they may just move on to the next. This also means checking your email regularly, letting a week pass may mean letting the opportunity pass.


Think ahead. Worked with a brand you enjoyed? Look at future months, holidays, and general marketing opportunities they could use some extra reach. Celebrating a particular holiday or planning to do a specific series can be a natural segway into asking about future partnership opportunities


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